Thursday 2 February 2012

Topic Proposal - Rhetorical Analysis #1

The cartoon I've chosen to analyze is from a graphic novel called Fun Home by Allison Bechdel. The graphic novel has been labeled a 'tragicomic' by the author as it is a recount of her convoluted relationship with her father. The purpose of this strip is to convey the distance felt between each family member. In my essay I plan on interpreting the purpose of the composition of this piece which works to support the written dialogue of the strip.

Another very important aspect of the entire graphic novel, and this strip in particular is the colour and shading used by the author/artist. The blue colouring and dark shadows set the tone of the graphic novel. The perspective of the comic is very distant, giving the audience an all-seeing advantage. However, the audience reads the strip from the main character's perspective. My analysis will give a brief summary of the graphic novel to give context to the strip and to explain the nature of cartooning that Bechdel feels most drawn to.

Images like this one were extremely impactful on the LGBT community, which made Fun Home an influential work of art. I selected this image as the most effective in conveying the feeling of separation visually. In my essay, I will explain the intended audience of the graphic novel and how I think such an image would be received by both members and non-members of the LGBT community.

I will argue that this is an extremely influential comic due to its appeal to pathos and use of colouring and composition. Furthermore, the most culturally significant aspect of the comic is the connection it successfully makes with the audience. The argument of the text is that we must understand differences in others, and embrace differences in ourselves. I will outline how this image sheds light on this.


  1. Given that this is a comic from a graphic novel, you are going to need to include a paragraph briefly situation the comic--identifying the author, the title of the novel, and briefly (think 2 or 3 sentences) summarizing the novel. Also you will need to explain where in the novel this comic appears? Is it early, is it late? Are the readers of the novel familiar w/ the author's relationship with her father before reading this comic? Finally, I'm really intrigued by the idea that the author relies on a genre that most regard as humorous to relay a topic that is very serious--family members isolation from one another. I think you need to consider why she relies on this genre to tell her autobiography.

  2. I appreciate the feedback! Those are good points that I'll definitely incorporate.

  3. It'll be interesting to see where you go with this; 'together but separate' is a hotbutton topic for a lot of people, be it about families, sexuality, or race. I know how it's a topic within my own family -- that both interests and distance separate us all -- and it will likely resonate similarly with the other students. I am curious, though, how this comic/image became so important to the LBGT community?
