Monday 16 January 2012

Introductory Entry

Hi Everyone,
I'm Johanna and I'm a fourth year Honours MIT student with a passion for creative writing, therefore I'm also working toward my writing certificate. I'll be keeping this blog to analyze various images that impress a certain feeling on the viewer. The purpose of the blog is to take a close look at the meaning of images that impact our daily lives and to dissect the arguments that lie behind them. I seek to understand the emotional reaction and lasting impact images can have on people and to locate the root of such responses.

This image, from, immediately reminded me of home. I think the image does a great job of depicting the beauty of solitude. While the place I call home is uncommonly secluded much like this, it is the place I best understand myself. At the same time, solitude is the thing I most struggle to find peace in. When my parents moved me from the city in the middle of grade 8 I could not understand their appreciation for such a place. It was not until I spent this past summer in Europe that I began to appreciate the simplicity of home. 

For me, home is a place just like this one, only the water is only a small river that is located acres away. The only neighbours I've ever seen are deer and the trees are equally as beautiful in autumn. The river in this picture reminds me of a Group of Seven painting that captures the beauty of Canada. 

I always considered myself a kind of welcome alien in my family. Being a hyper-active, outgoing, type-A personality I've always been dumbfounded by the number of hours my family can sit reading or spend outdoors. I felt the urge to travel, live amongst friends and meet endless amounts of new, interesting people. This image best depicts my personal revelation in the past year. I saw a great deal of the world and had an even better experience than I had ever anticipated, yet interestingly, the most life altering thing I learned was that it's okay for life to sit still. While I never expected to take such a lesson away from the trip, it was a pleasant surprise. I based the title of my blog on this to emphasize the way meanings can change and surprise us. While this blog will track my interpretation of imagery, these images are always available for a closer look, and I hope my readers will offer up counter-readings. This image, the still lake and the not-yet fallen leaves, best depict my current self at a welcomed standstill. 

Thank you for reading! 

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